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Friday, August 3, 2012

Missing Riley

I miss Riley. He's been in California for the past week with his grandparents (Mitch's parents). I've gotten lots done while he's been gone, computer wise anyways. I cleaned out my inbox, it was super super SUPER full. And now it's nice and empty. It's amazing how much calmer I feel now that I did that.

I also gave my blog a makeover! New header, new background, new labels on my sidebar, new domain (no more new favicon, and even a new about me picture!! I still want to add a menu bar up top, but that will have to wait for now.

The house is picked up, and I went grocery shopping. Meals are planned for the next 2 weeks. I'm not a huge fan of cooking, so having everything bought and planned out really makes the whole dinnertime process go much more smoothly. I don't have to stress about trying to find a recipe that I have all the ingredients for everyday. So nice.

Riley comes home tomorrow morning!! I can't wait to see my little guy, and give him a great big hug. Did I mention I've missed him?

And since I can't post without sharing a picture, here is one of my favorites of Riley.

Jumping on his mini trampoline in his playroom. He's such a happy little boy. :)

♥ Kim

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